From Caterpillar to Butterfly
Liberation Through Transformation, Let’s Fly!
Liberation Through Transformation, Let’s Fly!
“I’m alive” Group Healing If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Welcome excitement into your life! Saturday, October 29th 10:00am-12:00pm Please wear white 10:00am-12:00pm Please wear white Please wear white Reserve your seat click here
In this inspiring, cleansing, energizing session we will work hand in hand with the Medicine Buddha (feeling his healing energy and chanting his soothing Mantra) to help our physical body to reach ultimate health… adding vibrant colors to our aura for wellbeing and happiness is the goal of this powerful session. After all, we have […]
Dr. Kathy Kangarloo – now known as “Yogi Ma” in honor of her work – rededicated the Center to “service” for the mutual benefit of all beings sharing Earth.
Memories from Ujjain Yoga Kumbh and Rishikesh 2016
Kathy is the best in the business. Hands down.