From Caterpillar to Butterfly
Liberation Through Transformation, Let’s Fly!
Liberation Through Transformation, Let’s Fly!
New Year Cleaning
“I’m alive” Group Healing If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Welcome excitement into your life! Saturday, October 29th 10:00am-12:00pm Please wear white 10:00am-12:00pm Please wear white Please wear white Reserve your seat click here
Qi Gong for Sunrise & Sunset • Qi Gong (also “Chi Gong”), literally meaning, “Life Energy Cultivation” is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation focused on s piritual awakening. • Qi Gong as a discipline cultivates and balances “life energy” (“chi”) to allow access to higher realms of awareness, […]
Reiki Energy Healing & Meditation ~ I Believe in Miracles ~ “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” Albert Einstein Saturday, March 26 10am – 12noon Fee $25 Attire: please wear white at Emerging Om Holistic Center 250 […]
Receive healing energy easily and effortlessly…Letting go of Limiting Decisions, Negative Emotions, Dis-Ease and Dis-Comfort is the goal of this powerful session!
Saturday, August 15th we are having a group healing.
Dr. Kathy Kangarloo at Emerging Om is amazing! Her spirit and energy is a fresh of breath of air. She created a center that is open and inviting. A sense of calm and centering is felt. I’ve been a customer of Emerging Om since Dec 2013 for Yukt Yoga, Reiki and Friday night Oms and Chanting which has helped me to become more centered and keep me focused. I also attend the workshops at Emerging Om. I love how they have spiritual, mental and physical workshops which covers all the areas for personal growth and healing. So glad my friend referred to Emerging Om!