The essence of the Emerging Om Holistic Center…all that we experience…all that we share…all that we receive…is founded on and balanced by our heart-felt giving to those in need or less fortunate than ourselves.
Opportunities for giving are before us. Please, open your heart, reach within, and give what you can…

Emerging Om is dedicated to provide a glass of milk every day to the students of Mother Miracle School in Rishikesh India
What if you could only have one meal a day?
Become a member of emerging Om’s “Buddha Belly Foundation.” Please help me feed 400 hungry students daily at Mother Miracle School in Rishikesh, India! For most of these kids this nutritious, warm school meal is the only food they get throughout the day! I do not need to write pages and pages about the school. You may learn about this wonderful facility by going to … sign up…One time donations or monthly commitments are welcome and appreciated…
With Love… Yogi Ma
We all can make a splash in the ocean of kindness…

In order to continue to expand the reach of our Center’s work, we need our family to make a committed, regular financial contribution. The fees we receive for classes and other activities only go so far. Please, consider becoming a sustaining member of the Emerging Om Holistic Center.