Brazil Part IV: Hard to Believe, Hard Not to Believe.

The Sacred Prayer Triangle
Abadiania, Brazil, at the heart of the Casa, where John of God works, is where the spiritual world and the physical world meet.
Some of you are going to have a hard time believing any of this, and I don’t blame you. But I will say this, things are happening in Abadiania, Brazil that are not happening in other parts of the world.
If you’re thinking about visiting the Casa and John of God, know this- it feels much more like an alternative hospital rather than a retreat. You are surrounded by people with different ailments: aids, cancer, paralysis, all there in hopes to be healed. People sit in rooms by the thousands for hours, meditating, waiting, holding the “current” (a term that is used to describe the powerful force of energy flowing through and doing healing work.) Everyone you speak to is either a healer, someone looking to be healed, or someone who HAS been healed and has devoted some or all of their life in gratitude to John of God.
I have met a man who claim that he instantly healed his broken back. I have seen with my own eyes, John of God, who does not have a traditional medical degree or license, perform “surgery” -and I mean literally cut people open (without anesthetics), put his hands into bodies, stitch them up, all without the patient flinching. I have seen people come into the Casa with no hope and leave a completely new person.
I have seen it, and still, it’s hard to believe.
Here’s how I’ve made sense of it all: The place that John of God practices in is not a regular city or town, like the one you and I live in. For starters, it’s built upon a mine of crystal quartz, which, if you follow and believe in the power of crystals, creates an undeniably powerful vibration. The village is in constant observance of the going ons at the Casa- some shops are only open 3 days a week, the rest they devote to the Casa. Everyone speaks quietly and slowly, the diet is simple, there are almost no cars, almost no one is seen on their phone, and you can feel yourself, over time, become quieter and quieter in this place.
When you become that quiet, you start to listen not just to people, but the whole world in a completely different way. You become tuned into the rustling of trees, the flow of the wind, the transition between the sounds of the night owl and the morning rooster, and each of these things carry signs and healing energy. You become one with your environment, instead of constantly fighting it the way we do in our daily lives. You’re not trying to “beat traffic” to get home. You are walking slowly, calmly, quietly from one destination to the next, taking in the messages along the way. You aren’t shoving cups of coffee to stay awake to get through your next meeting, you eat small meals of whole fruits and veggies that almost magically fill you up and keep you energized throughout the day.
You are just, quiet. And in this quiet, things that feel like magic are happening all around you, when really, it could just be that the world has always been this magical and you just can’t access it wherever you are.
There are so many unbelievable stories I could tell. I could talk of the spirits of doctors who work so mysteriously through John of God. I could tell you about the night I was visited in my room by a spirit who turned my lights on and off, after which I slept for 24 hours (something I never, ever do.) I could tell you about thousands of people sitting in still silence for 8 hours.
I could do all of this, and you could still not believe it.
But I’ll tell you this much- when you’re there, it’s hard not to.
Join me on Saturday, February 25th, for our workshop, The Sacred Prayer Triangle, based on the lessons I learned while there. I am so energized and ready to share. Reserve your spot on our website.
Peace, Blessings, and Om,
Yogi Ma