Feb 22, 2017
Abadiania, Brazil, at the heart of the Casa, where John of God works, is where the spiritual world and the physical world meet. Some of you are going to have a hard time believing any of this, and I don’t blame you. But I will say this, things are happening in Abadiania, Brazil that are […]
Feb 13, 2017
It’s hour 3 of 6. I’ve been sitting here, with John of God, holding a healing vibration through meditation to aid him as thousands of guests pile in to receive their blessings. It’s magical, it’s serene, it’s intense. How did I get here? Let’s go back. A few days ago I got out of bed […]
Feb 8, 2017
I’ve never been here before, and yet… Everything seems so familiar. The way the sun rises and sets, the energy of the town, the faces that smile at me so deeply, the smell of the taxi that took me to the temple, this place I am staying in. I have been here before, in another […]
Feb 6, 2017
This sessions embraces mindful meditation, mantras, mudras, movement exercises, and more.
5Feb 2, 2017
“In the silence of your mind God speaks” Mother Teresa It is really, really easy NOT to do things. To keep busy, to make excuses, to create more noise for yourself. Life rushing by, running from meeting to meeting to soccer practice with the kids to dinner to emails to…you get the point. Silence and […]